Rabu, 15 Maret 2017




Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic expressions. The language can be a natural language meaning in natural languages is mainly studied by linguistics. (the real meaning)
Pragmatics is studies on aspects of meaning and language usage that depend on the speaker.

The examples of Semantic and Pragmatic

Right hand
Right hand it means the someone who has beliving.

Blue it means it is sad.
Sick it means it is crazy, for instance the song is sick.
Hard it means it is difficult.
Poor it means lack of money.

Literal meaning : showing all the words according to the original meaning. In other words, to apply the literal meaning is to take the words in their most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration.
For instance : This TV fell off the back of a lorry. In the literal meaning, This TV is broken. )

Implicature : Anything that is inferred from an utterance but that is not a condition for the truth of the utterance. (implied the meaning)

For instance :
(John is meeting a woman this evening.)
ð The woman John is meeting this evening is not his mother, his sister or his wife.  

Explicature : the meaning are given to an utterance by the context.
The explicature of a sentence is what is explicitly said, as opposed to the implicature, the information that the speaker conveys implicitly. (background knowledge)
 For instance :
(John is meeting a woman this evening.)
ð John meets the woman ( acquainted with the woman) 

Entailment : the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one (A) requires the truth of the other (B)
For instance : 
John eat rice (so entailment of the sentence someone eat something)


Synonym is a word equivalent, literal meaning of the sentence is not changed. For instance in the book : my mother’s, mum’s, mom’s the meaning is the same but in sociolinguistic different. Such as mum and mom was used by speakers of  North American English, and mum has currency in british English.
Paraphrase is defined as a two way entailment between the sentences.

For instance :

Original sentence
It can be difficult to choose a suitable place to study english.

It is sometimes hard to select an appropriate place to learn english.

Antonymy is the state in which the words have the sense relation in which involve the opposite of meaning. Some other antonymy pairs are listed in :

Rich            : Poor
Thick          : Thin
Polite          : Rude
Humble       : Proud
Early           : late
Full             : Empty
Happy        : Sad

Converse is a general feature of the member of antonym pairs are that have what grammarians term comparative forms, with the comperative suffix.

For instance
(thicker, poorer, humbler) in the intruction more adjective ( more humble, more patient, more beautiful etc.)

Example of the sentences

a.     California is richer than some countries.
b.     Some countries are poorer than california.
c.      (a => b) & (b => a)


Has relation is stated in terms of prototypes. Prototypes is central member of denotation of word.

For instance
-         A prototype computer has a keyboard.
-         A prototype computer has a CPU.
-         A prototype computer has a monitor

Has relation makes available entailments
-         There is a computer in my father’s room ( it’s like prototype for computer then it has a CPU.)

Hyponymy is the stated or phenomenon that shows the relationship between more general term (lexical representation) and more specific instances of it.

-         Red, yellow, pink, purple, green, black, white (color)
-         We can say : red is a hyponym of color.

Incompatibility is a small hyponym hierarchy. Incompatibility is about contrast: breakfast, lunch, dinner are different from each within the category of meals . they are eaten at different from times of day.  

For instance
Meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner.)


Causative verb is a verb used to indicate that some persons ot thing makes (something happen) whatever the subject noun phrase refers to, caused situation is described by the embedded clause.
-         The school requires the students to wear uniforms.
-         He helped me to carry the boxes.     

Unergative verb requares a subject that is responsible for what happens.  
-         Tourist walk through the eco park.
-          The player hits the ball.
Unaccusative : the subject is not responsible directly to the action.
Example :
-         She got hurt.
-         He was sick.

Situation types there is achievement and accomplishment when we are talking about situation types.

Example in the book
a.     She got car accident. (achievement)
b.     She had a sprained ankle. (state)
c.      She had therapy. (activity)
d.     She got better. (accomplishment)


Tense refers to the absolute location of an event or action in time, either the present or the past.

Example :
-         David will walk to school tomorrow. (present tense)
-         David walked to school. (past tense)

Aspect refers to how an event or action is to be viewed with respect to time, rather than to its actual location time.

Example :
-         David fell in love on his eighteenth birthday.
-         David has fallen in love.
-         David is falling in love.


Modality is the term for a cluster of meanings focused on the notions of necessity and possibility.
Modal : will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, ought to.

Modality in this examples have different meaning. When you used ‘must’ it means that the obligation you should do. If you used have to it means that the obligation you do or not.
Example :
-         You must stay in office.
-         You have to stay in office.
-         You mustn’t stay in office.
-         You don’t have to stay in office.

 Epistemic : interpretations have to do with knowledge and understanding. Its mean that when she want to said something it based on our knowledge or understanding.

Example :
-         John went by motorcycle.
-         John probably went by motorcycle.

Quantifiers are words or phrases which indicates the number or amount being referred to. such as all, some, and most.

example :
-         Most of children start school at the age of live.
-         We ate some bread and butter.
-         We saw lots of birds.

Deontic is interpretation of modality relate to constraints grounded in society : duty, morality, law, rules.

Example :
-         You can ride my bike anytime you ride.
-         You should send him an email.
-         The consul could have been more helpful.

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